Dashboard template with Vue & UI Pro


Connects Nuxt with Drupal via the Lupus Custom Elements Renderer

nuxtjs-drupal-ce - Nuxt.js Drupal Custom Elements Connector

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Connects Nuxt.js with Drupal via the Lupus Custom Elements Renderer

Please refer to https://stack.lupus.digital for more info.

📖 Release Notes



  1. Add nuxtjs-drupal-ce dependency to your Nuxt.js project
yarn add nuxtjs-drupal-ce # or npm install nuxtjs-drupal-ce
  1. Add nuxtjs-drupal-ce to the modules section of nuxt.config.js
  buildModules: [
  'drupal-ce', {
    baseURL: 'https://your-drupal.example.com',
    // more options...
  1. Get started quickly by scaffolding initial files:
rm -f layouts/default.vue && $(npm bin)/nuxt-drupal-ce-init

You may also take a look at the example project.


  • baseURL: The Drupal base URL. Defaults to the DRUPAL_BASE_URL environment variable if provided, otherwise to http://localhost:8888.
  • addRequestFormat: If set to true, the _format=custom_elements URL parameter is added automatically to requests. Defaults to true.
  • addRequestContentFormat: If specified, the given value is added as _content_format URL parameter to requests. Disabled by default.
  • addVueCompiler: If enabled, the Vue compiler is added to the runtime build. This is necessary if you want to render custom elements markup on runtime. Defaults to true.
  • menuEndpoint: The menu endpoint pattern used for fetching menus. Defaults to 'api/menu_items/$$$NAME$$$' as fitting to the API provided by the Rest menu items Drupal module. $$$NAME$$$ is replaced by the menu name being fetched. To enable menu fetching, un-comment the nuxtServerInit action in store/init.js.
  • useLocalizedMenuEndpoint: If enabled, the menu endpoint will use a language prefix as configured by nuxtjs/i18n module. Defaults to true.
  • useProxy: If set to dev-only and nuxt is in dev-mode, the module automatically configures /api to the Drupal backend via @nuxtjs/proxy and uses it instead of the Drupal backend, such that there are no CORS issues. Other values supported are always or false. Note: When using always the module must be added to the nuxt modules section instead of the buildModules section.
  • axios: Options to pass-through to the drupal-ceaxios instance.
  • customErrorPages: By default, error pages provided by Drupal (e.g. 403, 404 page) are shown, while keeping the right status code. By enabling customErrorPages, the regular Nuxt error pages are shown instead, such that the pages can be customized with Nuxt. Defaults to false.
  • pageErrorHandler: The default page error handler can be overridden. Example:
    pageErrorHandler (error, commit, context, options) {
        statusCode: error.response.status,
        message: error.message
  • menuErrorHandler: The default menu error handler can be overridden. Example:
    menuErrorHandler (error, commit, context, options) {
      commit('addMessage', {
        type: 'error',
        message: `Custom menu error: ${error.message}.`

Known issues

Decoding HTML entities in plain-text strings

Vue2 has known problem when decoding HTML entities of plain-text strings that are delivered as custom element attributes. While it correctly decodes some HTML-encoded characters, it does not handle all of them.

The problem has been fixed in Vue3.

Filter "decodeSpecialChars"

For Vue2, this nuxt-module provides a Vue filter that can be used to work-a-round the issue. Consider "teaser-text" being a prop containing a plain-text string. In that case, it's recommended to use the provided filter:

{{ teaserText | decodeSpecialChars }}


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using npm run dev


Run npm run test or yarn test.


MIT License


Development sponsored by drunomics hello@drunomics.com